Blog - Page 3

Kind Words From Carmen

Posted on Wed January 30, 2019.

It is almost a month since I left South Africa. I absolutely miss everything about Khaya Hanci... the horses, the dogs, the people and the whole spirit!
There should be more places in the world like this and I can absolutely recommend this place in every way.
I will definitely come back!!!!

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A Course In Horse

Posted on Fri January 11, 2019.

A wonderful review from Robin De Roubaix (South Africa) - A must-read!!!

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Happy New Year!

Posted on Tue January 1, 2019.

Ulrike, Jurgen and everyone at Khaya Hanci and Khaya Hanci Horsetrails would like to wish all their friends and followers a very Happy New Year! They raised a glass and welcomed 2019 with volunteers Kerstin and Carmen.
Looking back on the warmest memories of 2018; we amazed at the wonderful people that have helped us in our quest to save, rescue and rehabilitate horses and the incredible guests we have had the pleasure to host.
All are excited to welcome the new year, face its challenges, and look forward to making a difference to so many more lives.
We look forward to sharing it with you!

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Merry Christmas!

Posted on Tue December 25, 2018.

Everyone at Khaya Hanci would like to wish all their friends, guests, family, clients, students, volunteers, staff and followers a very Merry Christmas!
We are so lucky to be able to live where we do; looking down from the top of the Drakensberg Mountains on Christmas Day, with our volunteers Carmen and Kerstin.
It has been a whirlwind year; with the rescue of 6 horses from unspeakable cruelty, our website going live, the new volunteer accommodation being built, and tons of support from all over the world!
Wherever you are, and whatever you are doing, we hope that you are spending the festive season with loved ones; both furry and family.

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