Goodbye From Sabrina

Posted on Thu May 2, 2019.

"Time that we take for ourselves, is the time that gives us something"

Two months in South Africa just came to an end. My arrival at Khaya Hanci feels like such a long time ago. But now I don’t know where the time went. It feels so short and I had such a great time. Especially working with the horses; that was the best experience yet. Moreover, there were so many cute dogs, wonderful people, new friends and incredible experiences I have made.
The daily work with the horses was really great but the best were the trails with horses to Moholoholo. Looking for native animals sitting on a horse's back is really special. Seeing so many wild animals and workings with horses on a daily basis together is a dream come true. From the horses with a bad past in particular, I learned so many new things about communication and training with horses. It’s so great to see a horse building trust although it made such horrible experiences with humans.

Sometimes we did trips or hikes and learned about the local people living in South Africa, the nature, and of course about the animals.
Jürgen and Uli do all they can to to make the things you want to do come true.
In the end the only thing to say is that it was such a great time, and I’m sure I’ll come back.

Further Reading

Horse, Stallion, Heart Health
Horses Heal Hearts (Or So It Seems)

A recent study by the University of Arizona, in conjunction with the HeartMath Institute, have uncovered some surprising details about what happens to our hearts when we interact with horses, and the potential benefits to our well-being.

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The Equestrian Effect

We ruminate on the valorous partnerships between humans and horses in history, and how these have shaped our sense of humanity.

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